Much of the app’s core functionality had been developed by Amir Ahmadi by the time I joined the project.

I started by studying how the app currently functioned, focusing on the core interactions and screens.

The priority was creating an intuitive, but unique introduction or tutorial for the initial downloads and interface for capturing images or videos.

Visually the team didn’t want the app to feel like another app, but there is certain feedback necessary for users when interacting with mobile photography.

Below are the the mockups I did over screenshots of the existing developed app to start getting an idea of how to go about visually making the connections between screens.
Testing for the capture and sharing user flows were prototyped rapidly in Figma and decided upon as a team.

The biggest decision we faced was whether to force sharing with an explicit call to action in the moment or have continuous capturing.

Ultimately, continuous capture was chosen to allow users uninterrupted photography.

We learned most people will choose to share later after the exhibit, having time to choose the best image, rather than  immediately in the moment.

To indicate where the photos were if they wanted to share, a familiar feedback animation with flash and directing the eye to the SHARE button.

Acclimating users to the app and its processes were prioritized next to ensure everyone had a seamless experience between the art and app.

After the core assets were created and passed over to Amir for development, I started crafting an animated explainer video made in Keynote.