Service Design Implementation is an often misunderstood and elusive process within the larger design community.

How to "do service design" is a lingering question; one that I am frequently asked and ill equipped to answer.

One thing I have learned is that much of the Service Designer’s role however, is a facilitator in change management within an organization.

With guided readings on power, politics, design, change, and project management, a foundational knowledge was developed through discussion-based classes.

The resulting guidelines went through multiple iterations and have been adapted for this website to be interactive.
No two Service Design projects are the same.
Design is about context and these are just some of the components.
Driving change depends on key resources and relationships.
These are not the only, but the most common ways that change can be impacted.
Design is not linear, but most people think it is.
Paula Scher says doing design is difference from explainin, this is my attempt at both.